Buyer Activity Facts Before You Buy a Business

Merger & Acquisition Specialists

Recent Activity Facts to Know Before You Buy a Business

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Merger & Acquisition Specialists has generated multiple buyer leads and inquiries on a prior DME listing. If you're looking to buy a business, we can help. We have multiple contacts in this industry looking to acquire these types of businesses. Many of our contacts are existing operators looking to expand their footprint and add on to existing platforms. Buyers for these types of businesses are from all over the country, as the healthcare industry remains an active space in M&A. Within the healthcare space, durable medical equipment (DME) companies are in high demand, and we have a huge database. If you want to buy a business, give us a call.

Insurance Agencies

As your best method to sell or buy a business, we have seen much activity in the insurance industry – both from a captive insurance agency and with independent insurance agencies. Consolidations seem to be the common theme in many of these acquisitions. Captive agencies are limited in who can acquire, so we often see individual agents and agencies acquiring books of business within their territory. Independent agencies seek other independent agencies, as converting to a captive agency is not often advantageous for an independent firm.

Vitamin, Mineral and Supplement Companies (VMS)

One of our existing clients is in this space. We have developed several contacts, and companies in the industry we know are looking to acquire existing operations. This is an active space with favorable valuations for potential sellers. Buyers range from private equity companies to existing publicly traded and privately owned companies seeking expansion. If you’re interested in the VMS industry and you’re ready to buy a business or anywhere in the nation, reach out to our team.


The preschool industry is constantly active. As the trend from privately owned individual centers fades away with an aging ownership base, there is more consolidation from large national carriers, coupled with a move to privately run centers out of churches and places of faith. Our contacts are numerous in this space, with one-off owners and small-scale and large-scale industry buyers. We know what large-scale carriers and providers are looking for in acquisitions and what the most likely buyer for your center looks like. This remains an active industry despite the heavy headwinds experienced during COVID. For those looking to sell or buy a business for childcare services, we're here to help.

What to Do Before You Buy a Business

We'll provide the facts and market research you need to know in order to maximize your investment. If you have questions, give Merger & Acquisition Specialists a call today.

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