Have a broker-related question? We have the answer! Check out our FAQs below to learn more about our company and services.
We work with various types of businesses of multiple sizes and across industries. We do not specialize in one industry. We specialize in transactions and finding solutions to get the job done and meet the goals of our various clients. We work with all things business, including sales, mergers, and acquisitions. Please get in touch with us with any further questions, and a business broker from our team will contact you.
When you have a business for sale, we confidentially market your business using a multi-pronged strategy. We utilize the internet, direct mail, e-mail blasts, networking, and other means to identify only motivated and qualified buyers. We only disclose the client's business after screening interested buyers, which includes an in-depth conversation and execution of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), along with the prospect providing a financial statement proving the buyer's purchasing ability. We strive to protect the confidential nature of selling a business by only disclosing the opportunity to motivated and financially qualified prospects. Don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions, and one of our professionals will reach out to you.
The first step is to submit a message to us through our Contact Us tab. You can reach out to a business broker with one of the phone numbers listed below. You can also e-mail one of the e-mail addresses listed below. Visit the Our Team page to learn more about our team members. Each individual has contact information below their picture. We will then connect with you and begin the journey of buying a business. We are only limited by your motivation!
We conduct a thorough financial analysis of your business to determine cash flow, margins, and other pertinent details. We then compare your numbers to industry standards, comparable transactions, and other resources to assess a range of values and the most reasonable selling price. We are not certified business analysts. If a value backed by a certified analysis is needed, then we have partnerships with firms to help our clients through that cumbersome process. Please contact a business broker on our team with any further questions.
We work with different types of buyers, from first-time buyers to companies seeking acquisitions. Our free consultation can help a buyer identify areas and industries of interest. Our expertise can help craft a budget for buyers, along with managing a buyer's expectations based on financing needs and available capital resources. We can be as involved or passive as our client needs when assisting in the acquisition process. Please contact us with any further questions and if you'd like to buy a business.
The first step is to submit a message to us through our Contact Us tab. All information is transmitted confidentially, and all conversations are confidential. We will then connect with you and begin the conversation. If you prefer to reach out to an individual about your business for sale, then please visit the Our Team page to learn more about each member. There is individual contact information below each team member. Please feel free to select any of our highly qualified and professional team members and reach out to them through their contact information, and they will follow up with you promptly. All conversations are held in the strictest of confidence. We look forward to visiting with you soon!
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