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Merger & Acquisition Specialists offers the Business Acquisition Program, the fastest way to get a buyer's name in front of the desired business. The Business Acquisition Program is effective because the business you want to buy is not for sale unless you know how to go find it. We specialize in identifying opportunities and putting deals together. We offer the ideal approach for anyone who wants to buy a business in Little Rock, AR or anywhere else in the nation.
The Business Acquisition Program agreement is a buy-side representation agreement. We represent the buyer and seek the best terms possible for the buyer. We head up the entire process, starting with target identification. We collect financials, negotiate terms, structure deals and help with the financing. We are the buyer's private M&A firm.
Looking to buy a business in AR? Our Loan Brokerage services provide buyers and sellers with deals in progress, but no financing, with access to our vast and diverse network of potential lenders and financing sources. With over five decades of combined experience, our team comes with a deep network of professionals and deep knowledge of financing and financing options.
We package the deal with the pertinent information and then place that deal in front of potential lenders and financiers. Our mission is to find the money for your deal. Our fee for this service is a commission-based structure based on the total loan size. A free consultation will help determine whether this is the right fit for your needs.
We offer hourly-based consultation services on an as-needed basis for those in the process of acquiring a business, reviewing a business, or simply thinking of buying a business. When you need support to successfully buy a business in AR, our team is here to help. Perhaps the buyer has identified the business and entered into talks but needed more momentum with the seller. We can help revive the deal.
Maybe the two sides cannot agree on a price. We can help bridge the gap! Our consulting services can take any form the client needs. Our expertise developed over years of experience with hundreds of completed transactions can be readily at the buyer's disposal to help finalize the deal. If you need to buy a business in Little Rock, AR or the surrounding areas, don't hesitate to reach out!
Free Consultations for Buyer Representation
Call Merger & Acquisition Specialists today!
(501) 379-8275
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